Charity streamlines application process for next grant round


The Sisters of Charity Foundation is simplifying its Community Grants Program application process, beginning with the July grant round – open from 8th to 31st July 2021.

The Foundation was launched in 2000 with the Community Grants Program, which has to date distributed more than $9.4 million to 970+ community groups and charities.

We’ve always sought to help those smaller groups and charities who may fall through the cracks when it comes to attracting funding. Our grant applicants tend to be tiny operations, run on a shoestring – lacking in staff, money and time. Yet despite this they have a vast positive impact on their local communities,” said CEO Louise M. Burton.

“We are in awe of the achievements of small organisations and we want to lessen the burden on them when applying for funding. So, we are introducing an Expression of Interest approach that asks only for essential information about the project that requires funding,” Burton said.

“Streamlining our application process means we are not diverting organisations – they can focus on continuing their impactful work in their communities.”


Previously, applicants would have to complete an extensive form that asked for details including organisation background and qualifications, evidence of sound financial management, a budget breakdown and supplementary funding details for the proposed project – among others.

“These details are all essential to allow our Grants Application Committee to make its decision – however, we believe it is unnecessary to ask applicants with a lower chance of success to spend so much time at this stage,” Burton said.

The new EOI form will ask applicants to demonstrate a well-defined project with clear goals, objectives and measurable outcomes, and explain how they will be evaluated, provide a specific timeline for implementation, and indicate who is expected to benefit or is benefiting most from the project and how it will impact on the wider community.

The introduction of an EOI form will mean applicants invest far less time initially. Filling out the EOI form should take applicants approximately one third of the time, compared to the original application form.

1 Comment

Carmen Platt July 8, 2021 - 4:14 am

SO so grateful for this insightful, empathetic amendment!

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