Subsidised volunteer management training available


Training will be available at ten locations throughout NSW and is designed to draw on the experiences of managers to solve real life issues. In addition, subsidised places will be made available for the Certificate IV in Volunteer Program Co-ordination course in 2013.

The NSW Government’s drive to improve the rights and recognition of volunteers is in response to the findings of a government report commissioned in 2012, which involved consultation with approximately 3,000 volunteers over a two-month period.

The report identifies six key principles that, if adopted, encourage greater community understanding and better recognition of the rights of volunteers and how they should be treated.

The six principles are:

  • Demonstrated commitment to best practice in volunteer management
  • Volunteers being involved in the life of their organisation and included in decisions that affect them
  • Clarity on volunteer roles, responsibilities, expectations and organisational policies
  • Appropriate and timely access to training and professional development to support volunteers to successfully undertake and grow in their roles
  • Promoting inclusive organisational environments of respect and dignity
  • Recognising and celebrating the skills, abilities and contributions of volunteers.