Joint letter: Humanitarian approach to homelessness needed


The CEOs of 36 Victorian homelessness, housing and social services organisations have released an open letter appealing for a shift in the conversation away from vilifying rough sleepers to a focus on the lack of affordable housing that underpins the crisis.

Some of the organisations involved in the letter include Anglicare, The Salvation Army, Wesley Mission and Safe Futures.

“Until we join the dots between housing and homelessness, we will never solve the crisis,” the CEOs wrote.

“Recent coverage of the ‘shame’ of Melbourne’s homelessness focusses attention on the wrong end of the problem. Vilifying people sleeping rough does not help them, splashing the faces of people in crisis in the paper only further stigmatises and isolates them, and fuels public fear and resentment.

“Yes, it is shameful that there are people sleeping on the streets in a country as affluent as Australia. The real shame is that this crisis has been with us for some time, and it is only now that it has become visible in our streets that there is outrage and reaction.”

The CEOs feel that we all have a right to be angry about homelessness but we need to “direct our energy towards the successive government policies that have created it, and not towards those sleeping rough.”

“We do not condone aggression and public drug use, and there are avenues through which the police can pursue such behaviour. But it is not illegal to be poor and homeless. We will never solve poverty and homelessness by moving people on, or by putting them in crisis accommodation for a few weeks,” they said.

“Reports of people on the streets declining offers of accommodation ignore the fact that the housing offered is usually a few nights in a rooming house, or a refuge.

“The City of Melbourne is struggling valiantly to balance a humanitarian response with public health and safety, and homelessness services are working hard to engage with chronically disadvantaged people, some of whom have complex needs.”

The CEOs of Victoria’s leading homelessness, housing and social service organisations said they have been raising this problem for a long time, and it’s not going to go away overnight. “The way to solve rough sleeping, and other forms of homelessness is by providing enough safe, permanent, affordable housing, and, when needed, the intensive supports to go with it.”


Tony Mamo January 19, 2017 - 2:35 pm

Homelessness is a disgrace to our rich country and governments. It is not enough to provide subsidised accommodation to these marginalised community members; we have to examine the causes of this problem such as lack of employment skills, low paid jobs, low education standards etc and try to solve these underlying problems. Only then will the problem of homelessness be solved. This calls for a consolidation of community organisations involved in these areas to come up with a holistic approach to this problem.

Debbie January 19, 2017 - 3:21 pm

It is very sad to see that there are lots of people who need help
By this I mean THE HOMELESS
But its also wrong for some people who say they are
And just want to get help
when they really should be looking for a job
Its time for someone to help the REAL HOMELESS people

Em Thomas August 13, 2022 - 6:43 am

Anyone relying on Centrelink will become homeless unless they have family who can support them with accommodation. This is the result of not building public/social/affordable housing, refusing to increase rent assistance to take into account the rising cost of rents and forcing people to languish on payments at least 40% below the poverty line. This was confirmed again by another 2022 Anglicare report that said that anyone on Jobseeker, Youth Allowance and even the Disability Support Pension has been priced out of the Australian rental market entirely. Aged Pensioners can rent just 1% of properties on the rental market, including rooms in sharehouses.

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