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Your partner in exporting

2 min read

Austrade is represented in more than 110 overseas locations in over 60 countries, and by an extensive domestic network throughout Australia.

With the mission of contributing to community wealth by helping more Australians succeed in export and international business, we offer practical advice and information about getting into exporting, coaching on exporting and assistance on the ground in foreign markets.

Funding assistance to develop export markets
One the main assistance programs we offer are the Export Markets Development Grants (EMDG). Any eligible Australian individual, partnership, company, association, co-operative, statutory corporation or trust that has carried on export promotion activities can apply for an export grant.

To be eligible, your organisation must have:

  • Income of not more than $50 million in the grant year;
  • Incurred at least $10,000 of eligible export expenses under the scheme (first-time applicants can combine two years expenses); and
  • Principal status for the export business (some exceptions apply, e.g. event promoters).

You must also have internationally promoted one of the following:

  • The export of goods and most services; inbound tourism;
  • The export of intellectual property and know-how; and
  • Conferences and events held in Australia.

New opportunities for the third sector
Recently the EMDG Scheme was made more accessible. Key changes include:

  • Making the scheme accessible to service exporters with a new ‘non-tourism services’ for those providing services supplied to foreign residents whether delivered inside or outside of Australia.
  • Opening the scheme to state, territory and regional economic development and industry bodies promoting Australia’s exports, including tourism bodies.
  • Increasing the maximum grant by $50,000 to $200,000 per year.
  • Lifting the maximum turnover limit from $30 million to $50 million.
  • Reducing the minimum expenditure threshold by $5,000 to $10,000.
  • Allowing costs of patenting products overseas to be eligible for EMDG support.
  • Increasing the number of annual grants able to be received to eight.

    However, service exporters who do not face international competition for their services, e.g. services related to managing assets held in Australia or services related to complying with Australian laws, may not qualify for EMDG support.

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