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Featured Leaders 2023: Exploring Leadership, Inclusivity, and Impact in the Not-for-Profit Sector

2 min read
Featured Leader

As Third Sector embarks on a new year, we reflect on the valuable insights shared by industry leaders and experts of the NFP Sector.  

The insights from last year’s Featured Leaders are outlined here:  

Leadership in the not-for-profit sector 

Peter Walton, Chief Executive Officer of CARE Australia discussed with Third Sector his leadership strategies and the organization’s drive to eradicate poverty and social injustice. 

Mark Rigotti, Managing Director and CEO at AICD shared his insights on how important a legal structure is to a NFP’s survival and success. 

Creating positive change within communities 

Tony Davies, CEO of Social Futures talked about his leadership style and how Social Futures is an organisation that is about creating positive change not only in the local communities but in the world. 

Maria Gonzalez, Multicultural Support Workforce Program Manager at SSI discussed bridging gaps between Australian organisations and multicultural communities. 

Jok-Babott, Multicultural Support Officer at SSI shared her insights in supporting diverse communities in Australia by leveraging her own journey. 

Gender awareness of eye health services 

Dr May Ho, Optometry and Primary Care Adviser at The Fred Hollows Foundation shared insights on approaching eye health services for women and girls with a gender equity lens, where they recognise that men and women have different needs, preferences and interests and that achieving equality of results may call for treating men and women differently. 

Empowering Survivors of complex trauma 

Dr Cathy Kezelman AM, President of The Blue Knot Foundation highlighted that while there has been substantial social change in this area, more than 5 million Australian adults are living with the impacts of complex trauma. 

Inclusivity and gender equity 

Dr Janin Bredehoeft, CEO at SAGE discussed how fostering gender equity, diversity and inclusion can unlock an organisation’s potential.   

Saroni Roy, Founder and CEO of the Saroni Roy Foundation talked about the power and influence of media in creating initiatives for peaceful inclusivity. 

Volunteer and workforce management 

Shannan Gove, Co-Founder of Rosterfy talked about revolutionising volunteer and workforce management to quantify the impact and value that volunteers are having with an organisation. 

Domestic and Family Violence 

Asha Bhat OAM, Chief Executive Officer at Southern Aboriginal Corporation shared her insights on how we as a community promote a culture of respect and healthy relationships in Australia to help prevent family and domestic violence and child abuse in Australia. 

Rach Mac, Founder and Director of Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation highlighted approaches aimed at empowering survivors of domestic violence through education, empathy, and the implementation of zero-tolerance policies, all designed to eradicate victim-blaming attitudes. 

This year’s Featured Leaders have highlighted the growth and progress made in different areas of the sector despite the challenges they, the organisations and communities they serve face. The insights they’ve shared with Third Sector have helped provide invaluable knowledge for anyone wishing to grow within the sector.  

Third Sector has lined up more leaders and industry experts for our Featured Leader section in the coming year. For a complete and updated list, visit our Featured Leader page.   

If you would like to get in touch with us for an interview opportunity, message us today.  

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.


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