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Help available to grow events

1 min read

Australian associations hosted over 400 events in 2011, attracting almost 400,000 delegates. Many of these events drew international delegates, with around 250,000 overseas delegates attending association events in Australia last year alone. These international delegates provide associations with new opportunities and can boost the financial viability of events.

An analysis of 30 association events in Australia from mid-2010 to mid-2011 shows that attracting international delegates increases networking, global collaboration and professional development for association members. International delegates also raise the profile of the association hosting the event, both on the international stage and with decision makers in Australia.

For these reasons, a new toolkit has been developed to help associations increase the number of international delegates at their events. This toolkit, Attracting delegates: Guidelines and tools for successfully marketing business events in Australia, is now available to all Australian associations.

The toolkit was developed with input from associations that host international events, as well as Australia’s leading convention bureaux and convention centres, and other groups that are involved in attracting delegates to association events.

It provides step-by-step advice and practical tips for attracting international delegates to association events. The advice applies to all associations, whether they run their events inhouse or with a professional conference organiser.

Attracting delegates: Guidelines and tools for successfully marketing business events in Australia has been well received by associations and is available from Australia’s leading convention bureaux and convention centres.

The toolkit includes:

  • How to develop and implement an event marketing strategy
  • Step-by-step videos to demystify the use of social media for attracting delegates, including how to pull various social media platforms together in the most effective and time-efficient way
  • Templates and checklists to support event planners’ development of marketing and social media strategies
  • Detailed case studies of events that have successfully attracted international delegates.

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