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Promoting investment in women

2 min read

“The Australian Women Donor’s Network is a new community of women and men who are determined to build a better world by promoting investment in women and girls,” said Eve Mahlab AO, cofounder of the Network.

Mahlab refers to the launch as being the third wave of the women’s movement. “The first wave helped women get the vote, the second helped us get paid work, and this third wave is about channeling much-needed funds to more women.

“When we assume that women and men are the same, the funding or the philanthropy is just not as effective as it should be. If we want to treat women/girls and men/boys equally – we have to understand they are different and ensure our funding and programs are designed to meet their different needs,” Mahlab said.

Women Moving Millions is a philanthropy campaign that began in the USA. It has the vision of raising $1 billion through philanthropic gifts of up to $1 million.

“Women Moving Millions is about promoting the importance of funding for women and girls globally, and elevating them to the top of the philanthropic list,” said the founder of the American movement, Helen LaKelly Hunt.

“Globally, less than eight per cent of philanthropic grants are directed to women and girls, yet it has been proven that when women prosper, communities thrive; and when communities thrive, the world becomes a better place for everyone,” said Hunt.

Hunt and CEO of the Women’s Funding Network Christine Grumm will visit Australia next month to help the Australian Women Donors Network celebrate their involvement in the campaign.

Third Sector‘s investment in women

The Third Sector Women’s Networking Lunch is also focused on supporting and investing in women.

With Senator Ursula Stephens and ACOSS CEO Clare Martin to speak about their experiences as leaders in community development and the not-for-profit sector, the Lunch will be an event to unite and inspire. All proceeds will be donated to the International Women’s Development Agency.

Places are limited so register now to avoid disappointment.

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