Under Green’s proposal, the code would follow models currently used in other professional industries, such as journalism and engineering, and will be distinct from current government Codes.
“Journalists have a Code of Ethics, the public relations industry has a Code of Ethics, and I believe it is time for the government relations industry to develop, promote and implement a Code of Conduct,” Green said.
“The industry needs to work closely with the Government, private and not-for-profit sectors to ensure that a proactive, practical approach results in transparent and exemplary processes which can set a benchmark for the rest of Australia.”
With almost ten years’ experience working in the not-for profit sector as CEO and Chairman of Keep Australia Beautiful, Green understands the value of an industry Code of Conduct for non-profits.
“Non-profits should have equal opportunities to lobby governments,” said Green. “A national Code of Conduct will allow for the standardised rules of engagement for lobbying and consulting, and hopefully provide sweeping benefits and improvements to non-profit lobbyists.”
He highlighted the legitimate right of nonprofits to engage with government, and their often more overriding requirement to seek improved government policies.
“A public Code of Conduct will provide a moral compass and set of principles under which all competent and legitimate government relations consultants can operate,” says Green.
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