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Government Communication Sponsored story nonprofit

Three key reasons government engagement and strategic communications work together to drive impact for not-for-profits

2 min read

There are some pairing certainties for Australian not-for-profits — submissions and funding, departments and delays, organisational crises and Friday afternoons, and… the powerful partnership of strategic communications and government engagement.

In fact, it’s Fifty Acres’ bread and butter 

While presenting as two brilliant tools in a silo, earned media and advocacy are complementary when harnessed together.  

Fifty Acres’ unique integrated approach leverages our deep understanding of both government and media landscapes to affect meaningful change for leading change-makers. 

Here are three key ways in which government engagement and strategic communications intersect to drive impact for NFPs.  

  1. Well-liked in community = Well-liked in government

Politicians are inevitably influenced by the public perception of an organisation. If a not-for-profit has executed an effective strategic communications strategy, the organisation would have increased awareness and driven interest across owned channels and earned media. Ministers’ offices are filled with staffers and advisors constantly working to mirror their assigned public’s opinion via industry consultations, social media support and resource allocation. 

  1. Increased community trust brings in crowdfunding to support grant

When an organisation is involved in government decision-making for its industry, spokespeople are presented as credible talent for editorial stories. This communicates to the outlet’s audience that their work is credible and important enough to be featured (without paying for it!). This improved trust will ensure public support for an organisation’s causes, such as increased channel engagement, event participation, volunteers and donations.  

  1. Your return on investment is broadly known

It’s always a relief when reaching out to a politician or a top-tier media journalist, and they are already aware of your organisation’s work. Press and government offices keep their fingers on the pulse of the news cycle, tracking discussions and opinions in public forums. If they already have some knowledge of an organisation and recognise its work before the first conversation, the likelihood of further support and action is much higher. If a Minister mentions an organisation’s name on their social media, in a press release, or their Parliamentary speech, or a media outlet utilises spokesperson commentary or writes a positive feature article, organisational events, milestones and impact are known.  

Fifty Acres has award-winning expertise and experience in doing good work for great organisations. We work alongside not-for-profits and community organisations committed to making an impact through policy change, awareness or education.  

Get in touch today at or email  Mention this article to receive a free strategic consultation session. 

Check out Fifty Acres Upcoming events: 

50 Good Reasons: MasterClass 3 – Engagement + Audiences 

Wednesday, 24 April 

Getting government attention and support on your issue. We also cover identifying, getting to know and targeting your ideal audience 

Webinar: Federal Budget Review + Insights 

Wednesday, 22 May 

Hear Jo’s reflections on the Federal Budget, and what this means for Australian impact-driven organisations engaging with Government. 

50 Good Reasons: MasterClass 4 – Channels + Momentum 

Wednesday, 29 May 

Utilising your organisation’s channels to planning and mapping your big picture projects into defined and well-managed goals. 


With over 20 years’ experience in communications, political advisory roles and journalism, Jo Scard is one of Australia’s foremost strategic advisors to corporates, government and not-for-profits.

Jo is a respected former journalist in the UK and Australia working with ITV, Associated Press, Seven Network, SBS, ABC and Fairfax. She has spent over a decade advising corporates and not-for-profits at CEO and board level across strategic communications, government relations and public relations, and co-authored the best-selling book The working mother’s survival guide.

Fifty Acres was established in 2010. We work with government agencies, national organisations, not-for-profits and corporates providing strategic communications, media training, government, marketing and public relations services. The agency has become a market leader in strategic communications and represents some of Australia’s premier brands and not-for-profits – spending 10% of our time on pro bono projects.


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