I’ve been a member of AuSAE since…
Joining the AuSAE board in 2010, and prior to that, was a member of the board of Associations New Zealand since 2006.
The most valuable thing about my AuSAE membership is…
The knowledge and skills you develop through networking with your peers.
Before I was an association executive I was…
A General Manager with GEC (New Zealand) Ltd.
If I wasn’t an association executive I would be…
Looking to find a place in the sun.
The thing that gets me out of bed every morning is…
The challenge that every day brings.
My career highlight would have to be…
Too many to count, but the co-ordination of bringing over 400 building officials into Christchurch after the devastating February 2011 earthquake was up there in terms of meeting targets with extremely tight time frames.
I love working in this sector because…
Every relationship gets you a step closer to achieving your organisational goals.
The trouble with some associations is…
That they work for themselves rather than their membership.
As a manager it’s important to…
Build a good team around you.
The relationship between CEO and board is…
About transparency and trust.
I am inspired by…
The people I meet and work with every day.
When I am not working you can find me…
In the garden.
Third Sector acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.