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Charities Associations

Grants for NFPs to bolster community development

< 1 min read

Within the Jobs Fund, funding will be divided between three different initiatives for projects that aim to encourage joint efforts of local councils, community organisations, employers and employment service providers to stimulate training and job opportunities within their local area.

‘Local jobs’ will receive $300 million to invest in community projects of up to $2 million that will help protect the environment or promote sustainability. This funding also includes $60 million allocated for community heritage projects, and $40 million for commuter bike paths.

‘Get Communities Working’ will comprise a fund of $200 million for local council and NFP projects of up to $2 million that will upgrade vital community facilities, as well as strengthening and developing community capacity.

The Government is also investing $150 million in ‘Infrastructure Employment Projects’ for the construction of local infrastructure for the immediate creation of jobs in communities that have been affected by the economic downturn.

The project has said that projects in regions and communities either currently with higher unemployment or facing a severe amount of job losses because of the global recession will receive priority consideration under the Jobs Fund.

Submission for projects will be open from May, and most projects will commence from 1 July 2009.

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