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Live Fearless Challenge raises 400k to support people living with Crohn’s

2 min read
Live Fearless Challenge

Despite lockdowns in multiple states, more than 1,000 Australians have run, walked, cycled and swum their way to over a total of 121,000 kms – that’s 4.5 laps of the Australian continent – raising a record-breaking total of more than $400,000, for this year’s Crohn’s & Colitis Australia (CCA)’s Live Fearless Challenge.

The Live Fearless Challenge is a month-long personal fitness challenge held each year in September to raises funds for programs, education and support for people who have Crohn’s disease (Crohn’s) and ulcerative colitis (colitis), the two most common types of inflammatory bowel disease. The fundraising also supports research into the diseases. There is currently no cure for Crohn’s or colitis.

Leanne Raven, Chief Executive of CCA, says the determination and passion of this year’s Live Fearless Challenge participants have helped to raise vital funds to support people living with Crohn’s and colitis.

“A sincere thanks to all who stepped up and took part in this year’s Challenge. Not only is this the largest number of participants in the Challenge’s four-year history, but their combined effort has smashed last year’s donations by more than $130,000,” Ms Raven said.

“The funds raised will go towards a range of initiatives, from helping to cover the cost of hiring a room for a support group session, to helping CCA provide accessible up-to-date resources and research, to covering the costs to send young people to a Youth Empowerment Program event, through to helping to fund researchers’ investigations into Crohn’s and colitis.

“The Live Fearless Challenge is not only an important campaign to raise these much-needed funds, but it is also an opportunity to initiate conversation and raise awareness of these diseases. Increasing the understanding of these lifelong illnesses is vital, as the lack of awareness has a direct impact on investment in research to find a cure and support funding to provide access to the best available healthcare.

“Thank you again to this year’s participants for helping to flush the stigma around Crohn’s and colitis,” Ms Raven said.

To undertake the Live Fearless Challenge, participants committed to doing 150kms of activity during September, which could include running, walking, swimming or cycling, as well as workouts like yoga, dancing, stretching and even mindfulness. Participants could complete the Challenge solo or as a team.

Rebecca Hadfield took out top spot for most money raised by an individual, raising over $12,319 in donations. Rebecca was closely followed by Bruce Rosengarten, who raised more than $10,595 for this year’s Challenge. Participant, Chi Ooi, logged the greatest individual distance, tracking an impressive 2,276kms. Nearly 200 teams took part in the Challenge, with ‘Your Crohn’s Big Sister’ topping the team leaderboard for funds raised, with a tally of $15,695. The ‘Sandoz Striders’ took out first place for team activity, logging a combined 5,176kms over the month of September.

CCA acknowledges and thanks our generous sponsors, Abbvie, Sandoz, and Celltrion for supporting the Live Fearless Challenge 2021.


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