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Review of Volunteering Australia: outcome announced

1 min read

The Government has re-affirmed its financial support through the National Secretariat Program (NSP) for VA as the national volunteering representative body.

In this role VA will continue to represent and support members and maintain national networks; contribute to the development of government policies that support the volunteering sector; and inform members and constituents about Australian Government policies related to the volunteering sector.

The Australian Government through FaHCSIA will continue to provide financial support for National Volunteer Week and The National Conference on Volunteering in 2010.

In addition, the Government will continue funding for GoVolunteer as future options for national volunteer registration are considered. VA will continue to look at how GoVolunteer can meet the changing needs of stakeholders, and opportunities to further develop the system and infrastructure will continue to be explored.

The Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, has advised that VA will receive funding for the National Volunteer Skills Centre (NVSC) until March 2010 to complete key training resources currently under development.

In a media statement, VA CEO Cary Pedicini said, “VA recognises the Federal Government’s intention to encourage good volunteer management practice in the sector and will continue to develop and maintain our suite of training tools, including our key publication The National Standards for Involving Volunteers in Not for Profit Organisations.

“VA will look to partner with other organisations, including our Foundation Members and State and Territory Government Offices of Volunteering, to continue promoting good practice in volunteering and volunteer management.

“VA believes that the review process validated the importance and relevance of a national voice for the volunteering sector. With this renewed support from Government, VA will be working closely with its members and all stakeholders to enhance its capacity to consult with, represent and support the diverse volunteering sector.”

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